“What Makes a Resilient City?” One-Day Conference

Resilient City Dallas

Join city officials and local civic leaders for an eye-opening look at “What Makes a Resilient City?” during a day-long conference presented by the Sustainability Forum of the Dallas Institute’s Center for the City.

Dr. Gail Thomas, president and executive director of the Trinity Trust, will set the stage for the day’s program as director of the Dallas Institute’s Center for the City. Keynote speakers are award-winning author and expert on complex systems Thomas Homer-Dixon and NYU urbanist and authority on cities, culture and politics Eric Klinenberg. Dallas City Manager Mary Suhm will provide opening remarks and Mayor Mike Rawlings will speak in the afternoon. Panelists will include Karen Walz of Vision North Texas, Tony Robinson – Senior Vice President, Tech Labs Group, Energy and Resource Technology HUB, Jack Matthews of Matthews Southwest, Lauren Seydewitz – Environmental and Energy Management Professional, architect Brent Brown, Alfreda Norman of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Fernando Costa of Santander Consumer USA Inc., with Lois Finkelman – head of Dallas gas drilling task force to moderate.

The conference will take place 9 am-4pm, Friday, April 19, in the Dallas City Council Chambers at 1500 Marilla Street. Admission is $30 for members of The Dallas Institute and its co-sponsors, $45 for nonmembers, and $10 for member teachers.

To register, visit www.dallasinstitute.org, or call (214) 871-2440.

The event is co-sponsored by D Magazine, Earth NT, EarthPeople, Forté Prime, People Newspapers, White Rock Lake Weekly and Natural Awakenings Magazine.