We Want Your Vote!

A few months ago ILiveinDallas did a podcast with the folks from In This Economy and Five O’Clock Dallas on Citizen Journalism. We had received some really nice feedback from listeners and decided to submit a panel session for SXSW Interactive 2010. The panel will discuss finding your niche in Citizen Journalism, how to get started, what to expect, mistakes we made along the way, the lessons we learned, and where is CJ heading.

“By the people” journalism hasn’t been around that long and we are all shaping the future of how information is communicated and received. We are not trusting the news channels, the politicians, and the companies to the degree that we used to. We are trusting each other.

The topic is something we are really passionate about and we want to share what we know with the audience at SXSWi.


Please vote for our panel!

Here’s how you vote:

  • Create an account in order to vote/comment on our panel here — http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/users/register
  • Check your email and validate your account (don’t worry, you are not signing onto any e-mail lists by giving SXSW your information)
  • Click on or paste the link below in your browser and give it a thumbs up!


Voting closes September 4th. Please invite your friends on Facebook! Thanks!

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