The Jewish Community Center Features Special Screening of The Monster Among Us
Thursday, October 30th, The Jewish Community Center of Dallas will have a special screening of the film “The Monster Among Us.” The event will be at the Jewish Community Center’s Zale Auditorium and will begin at 7:30pm. Tickets are $9 in advance and $10 at the door. Purchase tickets online or email Judy Cohn for more information.
From Media
The film includes excerpts from almost 200 hours of footage shot in Germany, Hungary, France, England, Holland and Belgium.
Anti-Semitism has surfaced on university campuses, in the media, on the streets, on the Internet, at political demonstrations and in seemingly innocent social situations.
The Monster Among Us examines this wave of anti-Semitism against European Jews and their institutions, mainly from the point of view of those who have directly experienced the violence or live every day with the threat.
In recent conversations with American Jews as well as non-Jews, it’s surprising how many are uninformed about the problem. Some have heard about the violence in France, but most are totally unaware of what’s happening in the rest of Europe.
About the Filmmakers:
Allen Mondell & Cynthia Salzamn Mondell, have been making award winning docu-dramas and documentary films over the last 25 years. Allen and Cythia founded Media Projects, Inc. – a non-profit specializing in films that explore social issues and community concerns.
Zale Auditorium at the Jewish Community Center
7900 Northaven Road
Dallas, TX 75230
Ph: 214-739-2737
Pegasus News: AFI Dallas International Film Festival – ‘The Monster Among Us’