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Blog Action Day: Climate Change – 11 Ways Dallas Gets Involved

Blog Action Day: Climate Change - 11 Ways Dallas Gets Involved

Last weekend over 500 people in Dallas sat in a room together for TEDxSMU and listened to some bright minds. Speaking on behalf of the entire room: It was inspiring.

Throughout the day people we would break for lunch and coffee and you would find yourself in conversations with like-minded individuals who know there is something we can do to change the world if we would just get off our ass and do it. That was my takeaway from last Saturday. It was actually a quote from Jody Williams referenced by speaker Turk Pipton of The Nobelity Project. She said:

“There’s nothing magical about change. If someone wants to change the world, it takes getting up off your ass and caring enough to take the first step to contribute to change on an issue you care about.”