Sports medicine series kicks off March 19 at Sci-Tech Discovery Center

Sci-Tech Discovery Center is bringing their ‘mind stretching fun’ to an important and informational speaker series for families with “Chalk Talk,” presented by Baylor Medical Center of Frisco and featuring, one of the leading Texas Orthopedic Surgeons, sports medicine and training experts.

The first presentation this year begins with Randal Troop, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine. He will lead a presentation on the top five sports injuries which makes important to take an emergency responder course. 

The presentations are meant to educate families and to start and continue dialogue with children about their teams and about the importance of preventing injury. Meanwhile, the kids will work with the Sci-Tech staff in educational, hands-on exploration of the science behind sports and potential injuries; the activities will be for ages 4-8 and 9-13, older teens will benefit from the discussions. Complimentary snacks and refreshments will be provided.

The event will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Sci-Tech (8004 N. Dallas Pkwy. Frisco, TX 75034). Registration is free with RSVP. Please visit the website for registration.

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