Fascinating People from Dallas Series: Cynthia Smoot
Oh So Cynthia is a lifestyle blog that reports on what makes Dallas a “fabulous place to live.” From food to fashion, stage shows to film premiers, cultural events to business deals, Cynthia Smoot likes to be right in the middle of the action. She takes us with her every time she meets the fun, famous, and infamous in Dallas by reporting her adventures in the Big D on her blog.
Smoot is a Dallas marketing firm co-owner by day, and a socialite by night, but what stuck with me most after meeting Cynthia is her passion for Dallas. It’s contagious, and that’s what this publication is all about; people discovering great things about Dallas and sharing them.
This is the first interview in the Fascinating People from Dallas Series in-which I’m reaching out to people who I think are doing cool things and providing value to the city and for those living here.
I’m not sure how this series will evolve, but with this maiden article I want to introduce to you someone who has made a name for herself, not only online in the social media circles, but in the real world. I know Cynthia personally and admire her for branding and content marketing abilities she has exhibited for her clients and herself.
I recently caught up with Cynthia and decided to pick her brain.
ILive: When/what made you fall in love with Dallas, and how did you get to be so “in the know?”
CS: I have lived in Dallas since 1990, and just think it’s the best city in the world. Dallas has such a great mix of culture, restaurants, fashion and family activities. I got to be so “in the know” from two different aspects: a) I’m a consumer who loves to explore what this city has to offer in terms of food, fashion, art and events and b) I’m a marketer by profession as a partner in Gangway Advertising, so I work with all of the PR firms whose job it is to promote all the great venues and events this city has. It’s a convenient ying and yang for me as a blogger!
ILive: Are you a fashionista, foodie, marketing maven, or just a fascinating mix of all three? How would you describe yourself?
CS: Ha! That is such a great question. I would probably be more successful as a blogger if I would “niche” myself, but like Shrek, “I’m an onion. I have layers.” The overall theme to my blog is that I cover life in Dallas. But I don’t want to limit that to just one small aspect, like food or fashion. So I write about everything that happens in the is city. I also like to profile the people that make our city unique and add to the flavor.
ILive: You’ve been photographed with stars like Daryl Johnston, Chefs Kent Rathbun and Lisa Garza, and Mayor Mike Rawlings. How do you always seem to run into Dallas celebs?
CS: One of the things Dallas does best is party for a cause. There’s a lot of money changing hands in the name of good will, and charitable events attract the notables of our community. As a blogger, I have access to these events and the big names that support them. They say “Everything’s bigger and better in Texas” and that includes big names, big personalities and big wallets. There are a lot of people doing a lot of good out there. It’s my pleasure to shine a light on that.
ILive: You seem to have good taste in lots of areas. What are your top five favorite restaurants in Dallas?
CS: Well, thank you. Honestly, I usually don’t get around to the “trendy” or “hot” restaurants, until they aren’t “trendy” or “hot” anymore. I’m too busy! And I am the mother of a 10-year old who’d prefer a more low-key dining experience. So, my usual haunts are places like Rock and Roll Sushi or Cafe Brazil. We also like Bandito’s in Snider Plaza, Ozona and Bread Winners. When I do get an opportunity to have date night in Dallas and take it up a notch, I always love Javier’s or The French Room.
ILive: You recently put on a meet and greet event with some other locally known bloggers, what’s next for Oh So Cynthia?
CS: I love that my audience is growing and that people are responding so well to my blog. The fact that more and more companies are seeking me out to talk about their products or attend their events is very gratifying. At the end of the day, my blog is a love letter to Dallas. I love this city and the people in it. I think my genuine passion shines through and the authenticity (and witty banter) is what keeps people coming back. I hope to just keep representing Big D and educating people about the incredible variety of cultural and charitable opportunities we have here. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!
Follow Cynthia’s Dallas adventures on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.