INTERVIEW: 9 Mildly Amusing Questions for Scott Dikkers – Founding Editor of The Onion

I started reading The Onion when I was in college circa 2000 after I saw a dormmate had printed out copies of his favorite articles from the Internet and taped them to his door. When I saw the Founding Editor Scott Dikkers was coming to Dallas I decided to contact him via Twitter. Needless to say the site has made a big impact as a pioneer of online publishing and and in the realm of comedic satire online. Scott started the original hard copy version, among other creative things. After a little ego stroking, as well as the fact he recently published a book telling his secrets, he agreed to give us some insight into some questions I prepared in anticipation of Scott’s upcoming keynote talk at Digital Summit Dallas on December 5th.  He was kind enough to answer my questions via email.