Learn documentary-style street photography at August workshop
 Dallas photographers are invited to attend a special Master Class Workshop this August, sponsored and hosted by #ObserveDallas2015 participant 211 Ervay St.downtown, as an extension of the annual Observe Dallas downtown photography project, now in its third year.
Taught by photojournalist/street photographer Richard Andrew Sharum, the creative mind behind #ObserveDallas2015, the workshop will take place this August in efforts to foster a robust documentary-style street photography community here in Dallas-Fort Worth and encourage the community to create more public art that the general public can engage with on a regular basis. Photographers ages 18 and up are encouraged to apply and the class is limited to 12 students.
To reserve your space as a student for the Observe Dallas Master Class Workshop this August, you must apply by July 20. Interested parties can find more information about applying here online and the cost is $150 per student. The Observe Dallas Master Class Workshop will begin at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 2 and end at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, followed by a free and open to the public after party and student exhibition at 500x Gallery from 7 to 9 p.m. that evening.