Intro to the North Texas Startup Community at the DEC on July 13th


If you want to get plugged in to the Dallas startup scene, be sure to mark your calendars for this event. For the past few years, The DEC has held an annual “Intro to the North Texas Startup Community” event where they share with the community the history of the North Texas Startup Community, what is currently going on and what resources are available and then talk about what’s to come in the future.

This year they are mixing it up a bit. In lieu of a single guest speaker being designated to lead the conversation and give a full presentation, you will hear from the Dallas Entrepreneur Center’s very own Co-Founder & CEO, Trey Bowles. Not one to talk your ear off, he’s invited several people who have helped build the community to talk about their role in the building of our continually expanding ecosystem. Guest speakers  include

  • Alexander Muse
  • Blake Burris
  • Joel Fontenot
  • Gabriella Draney Zielke
  • Kevin Vela
  • Michael Sitarzewski
  • Deb Swersky

Each year they’ve had an increase of attendance, averaging around 150+ people looking to get plugged in so RSVP today as this is sure to be a highly informative event and networking opportunity you won’t want to miss.

Wednesday, July 13th @ 6:30PM

The Dallas Entrepreneur Center
311 North Market Street #200
Dallas, Texas 75202

This is a FREE event. Visit PLUGGED: Intro to the Dallas Startup Scene to register.

P.S. Did you know that the DEC is the official coworking space of See our announcement here.