I Live In Dallas Radio #7 – Interview with JP from The Porch

Jonathan "JP" PokludaIn this seventh recorded episode of I Live In Dallas Radio, normally co-hosted by myself and Neil Lemons (unfortunately, Neil could not join us the evening this was recorded), I speak with Jonathan “JP” Pokluda. JP is the Director of Young Adults at Watermark Community Church, located at 75 and 635 in North Dallas. I interview him about The Porch. The Porch is a gathering of 1500-2000 twenty and thirty something singles which come to hear the spiritual teachings of local Christian leaders every Tuesday night.

JP is one of the most recognizable leaders at The Porch and one of the teaching pastors Watermark Community Church, the hosting church.  JP grew up on a farm outside the small town of Cuero in South Texas, and was involved in many different denominations throughout his life, including nine year stint  in Catholic school.  However, according to him, he did not come to “understand the grace of the Gospel until his early twenties when he stumbled into Watermark Community Church after pursuing all that Dallas has to offer and coming up empty.”  It is his great hope that God would redeem this city through rising up a generation of twenty-and-thirty-somethings who follow Jesus radically.

We typically don’t cover sports, religion, or politics at I Live In Dallas, however The Porch is really a unique event, and has attracted somewhat of a mainstream audience because of their non-judgemental and open approach to spiritual services.

Listen as we:

  • Learn about the background and vision of The Porch
  • Find out about JP’s interesting background and story

This I Live in Dallas Radio episode was recorded semi “man on the street” style, somewhat raw, partially with a handheld recorder. Forgive the audio quality on this one.