Good Ideas for Dallas, Texas: Presentations

GOOD Ideas for Cities taps creative problem-solvers to tackle real urban challenges proposed by civic leaders and present the solutions at live events across the country. With partnerships from CEOs for Cities and a generous grant from ArtPlace, GOOD Ideas has taken the program to six cities in 2012, including Dallas, TX.

Last month, three groups of Dallas creatives were formed to represent the city. They were each issued challenge statements proposed by local urban leaders; the last couple of weeks they have been meeting to come up with creative solutions and build a presentation to present to city leaders on June 6th.

Presentations will be given to:
– Office of Economic Development, City of Dallas
– Dallas Parks Foundation

Moderating the presentations will be by GOOD Magazine’s Alissa Walker. Join in on the conversation as these groups join together to make a positive mark on Dallas.

Wednesday, June 6th 2012 at 6pm

Lakewood Theater
1825 Abrams Parkway
Dallas, Texas 75214


Hosted by AIGA DFW and DFW Design for Good.

Find out more about the partners and challenges here:

Check out DFW Design for GOOD on Facebook for videos from the kick-off.