Electronics Recycling Drive Saturday

Recycling is green is love by Spookygonk via Flickr
Old monitors and VHS tapes collecting dust in your garage? Do yourself (and the environment) a favor and drop them off for recycling at the Lakewood Green Living store this Saturday, November 7th, 2009 between 12 and 5pm.
Green Living
1904 Abrams Parkway
Dallas, TX 75214
(214) 821-8444
Get directions
Last year I volunteered to drop off the old electronic equipment that had been hanging around the office since ’88. Or at least the design made it appear that way. The parking lot was FILLED with old electronics! Electronics that need not end up in our landfills.
Do your part this weekend and ask your friends, co-workers, boss, neighbors if they have electronics that need recycling and offer to drop it off for them!
Note: CRT Monitors have a $5 Recycling Fee and TV’s $10 – $30 depending upon size. So if you are doing a good deed for a friend and dropping off a TV, make sure you collect some cash from them to at least cover the fee.
Receipts will be given out at the time of dropoff.