Fandom Thrives at Dallas Fan Days 2019
Dallas Fan Days 2019 proved to be another huge success, even after what seemed to be a rocky start. Several late cancellations by Dr. Who headliner Christopher Eccleston and Son’s of Anarchy star Theo Rossi caught fans by surprise due to schedule conflicts. However, these things do tend to happen when it comes to acquiring active talent and Dallas Fan Days managed to recover gracefully with their last minute additions of Ron Perlman, Edward Olmos, and Casey Cott. On a side note, it was pretty awesome that Christopher Eccleston took the time to make a video apology to his fans in the midst of his absence.
Dallas Fan Days 2019 continued the tradition of memorable comic cons produced by Fan Expo Dallas at the Irving Convention Center. While there may not be as many celebrity guests in attendance as its counterpart expo in May, it vies as one of the most enjoyable conventions each year. The venue, divided among various levels, is just large enough to host the many events on the schedule while not feeling too overcrowded. Autographs, cosplay, vendors, and photographs are located on different floors and the large outside rooftop allows for relaxing conversation or amazing cosplay photos. The only real negative to the site is that the escalators are not friendly to those with limited vision due to a large mask. Don’t ask how I know.
The convention itself also has an excessive amount of activities packed throughout the weekend. There is absolutely no way to experience it all in a single day or even multiple days. Competition is steep in the gaming rooms, there are several cosplay contests, chances to walk the “red carpet” in costume, speed dating, food trucks, and various discussion panels. This list doesn’t even include the celebrity guests or the hours spent sauntering around the huge floor of vendors.
This year, fans really stepped up their cosplay game at Dallas Fan Days. I witnessed everything from a Mogwai to the cross-cosplay of a Snow White Jedi. While Dallas Fan Days 2019 has flown by, we leave you with some of our favorite cosplay from the event.
The Gate Has Been Opened Must Be Something In The Water I Don’t Think His Secret Identity Will Last Long Welcome To The Dark Side The Ghost With The Most Hellboy is Back Welcome to the Future Antman Will Never Grow Up Plumbing, It’s More Than A Profession Angels Aren’t The Only Ones With Wings Out For A Morning Stretch Did Someone Say Jumanji? Time For A Saturday Morning Nap The Reeper Is Near The Force Is Strong With Disney I Hate Snakes Live Long And Prosper He Doesn’t Miss Anthony Daniels (aka C3PO) Trish Stratus (WWE Hall of Fame Alumnus)