Preservation Dallas Tour and Book Signing

“Preservation Dallas Announces its Newly Released Historic Postcard Book and Tour of a Memorable Dilbeck House!” Tour one of Dallas Landmarks, the Ralph J. and Mary Powers House, a 1936 Charles Dilbeck design inspired by the country farmhouses of Normandy. The tour/talk is Wednesday, February 11 from 6-8pm. Location is 1125 Canterbury Court, Dallas, TX […]
AIA Dallas Tour of Homes | November 8-9, 2008

The Dallas Chapter of The American Institute of Architects will be presenting their 2nd annual Tour of Homes this Saturday and Sunday. There are nine single and multi-family modern residences being showcased this year; all homes having been designed by Texas architects. Tours are self-guided and open to the public. Tickets are $25/pp (+$3 processing […]
White Rock Lake Artists Studio Tour 2008

In the fall of each year, a unique art event takes place in neighborhoods near White Rock Lake. In its 16th year, the White Rock Lake Art Studio Tour of 2008 will include 45 professional artists and 5 art centers. This popular event offers the public the opportunity to visit artists within their special working […]