
Record Store Day – Saturday April 17!

Record Store Day - Saturday April 17!

Well it almost sneaked up on you, but have no fear because I’ve got the scoop on Record Store Day! This Saturday, April 17th, independently owned record stores both locally and nationally will collaborate with artists to celebrate music. This is the perfect opportunity for you to support your local record store, artists, and hear some new music!

Zach Saucedo’s New Collection at Ross Akard Gallery

Zach Saucedo's New Collection at Ross Akard Gallery

The Ross Akard Gallery in the Dallas Arts District will host the opening show for Zach Saucedo’s newest collection. The 15-piece collection, Revolutionary But Gangster, is the first solo show for the gallery and it has a twist. Everything in the collection costs $777. This holy number represents the revolution of giving away art to the masses.

Oak Cliff Art Crawl 2 Presented by Go Oak Cliff!

Oak Cliff Art Crawl 2 Presented by Go Oak Cliff!

The Second Annual Oak Cliff Art Crawl presented by Go Oak Cliff will be a great event for families and locals interested in the Dallas arts scene. The event goes above and beyond to create a fun and friendly environment while offering a unique look into the Oak Cliff we all have yet to discover.

The Official Unofficial SXSWi Sendoff Party Presented by Team CJ

The Official Unofficial SXSWi Sendoff Party Presented by Team CJ

After a couple months of prep and planning, Team CJ has pulled together our wits and resources and we’re ready to rock our upcoming Core Conversation at SXSW Interactive.

But before we get all serious and pack it in for SouthBy, we are throwing a sendoff party for our friends and fans!

Come by CoHabitat for the Official Unofficial SXSWi Sendoff Pre-party on Tuesday, March 9th between 7 and 10pm. Meet local techies, bloggers, artists, foodies, fellow SXSW attendees, and free stuff enthusiasts for the only pre- SXSWi party in Dallas!

See What’s Happening at the GuerillaArts House

See What's Happening at the GuerillaArts House

GuerillaArts, the nonprofit space committed to increasing art awareness and support in Dallas, will be giving tours of their 5,000 sqft building this Sunday – even the upstairs artist studio space, which has been closed off at past events.

Stop by between 2 and 4pm – meet and mingle with the people behind GuerillaArts and your local artist community. They will be talking about the great things GuerillaArts will be launching this spring, including the artist in residency program, spring classes and their summer institute for high school aged artists.

Satellite Art Fair This Weekend: Art in the District

Satellite Art Fair This Weekend: Art in the District

The 1st Annual Dallas Art In The District Art Fair features an array of contemporary emerging art galleries and artists. Art In The District provides participating galleries with a platform to present new works to a strong and growing audience. Art In The District is for everyone from the first-time buyer to the art savvy collector.

6 Kid and Family Activities in Dallas

6 Kid and Family Activities in Dallas

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions to 1) exercise more and 2) spend more quality time with the family. I’ve come up with a list of ways you can easily get some exercise with your kids – with everyone enjoying themselves. The kiddo age range for these activities is about 6 years to 11 years.

Concerts @ Quadrangle Features Local Artists and Benefits Haitian Relief Efforts

Concerts @ Quadrangle Features Local Artists and Benefits Haitian Relief Efforts

Tonight kicks off the 2010 Young & Cultured Concerts @ series at AMLI Quadrangle. Come in, grab a drink and take in the creative works of 2 local artists – musician Eric Tipton and artist SAMO4PREZ.

This is a free event (sweet!) but don’t come empty handed (oh?). Concerts @ has partnered with two local nonprofit organizations, See the Need, Meet the Need and Hope for Haiti, and will be collecting supplies to airlift next week to Haitian relief efforts. YOU can help by bringing in supplies or a donation to the Concerts @ event tonight. There will be boxes and donation jars around the gallery and concert space.

Ross Akard Gallery Opening Reception

Ross Akard Gallery Opening Reception

Don’t miss the Ross Akard Gallery’s grand opening reception on Thursday, January 21st.

The Ross Akard Gallery is located in the historic Fairmont Hotel and is the first art gallery to open in the Dallas Arts District in over 30 years. Featured artists include Michael Ledoux, Larry Whitely, Ricardo Paniagua, Julie Lazarus, Michael Osbladeston, Daniel Blagg, and Amy Cannady.

31 Fun Things to Do in Dallas, Texas

31 Fun Things to Do in Dallas, Texas

Dallas tourism, events, bars, nightlife, entertainment guide on Learn 31 fun things to do in Dallas under $15 year-round.