Earth Day 2011 Two Day Festival in the Dallas Arts District

Celebrate Earth Day 2011 by joining the Earth Day Dallas festival featuring two days of exhibits, a speaker series, short films, music, entertainment, food and fun for everyone. It’s an exciting time for North Texans to come together to discover how we can all make a positive impact on our community and grow a greener Dallas together.
Slow Money DFW 20 X 20 Green Business Forum

In celebration of Earth Day, Slow Money DFW (part of the national Slow Money Alliance), will host its first 20 X 20 Green Business Forum this Wednesday, April 20, from 7 p.m to 8:30 p.m., at SMU’s Cox School of Business, Maguire 251.
Interview with Walk the Light Arts Festival Founder, Laura Allen

The Walk the Light Arts Festival is only a day away and Founder, Laura Allen, was gracious enough to take the time to answer a few questions about the festival and organization for For those interested in attending the arts festival on Saturday at Life in Deep Ellum, I’ve posted the information for you at the bottom of the interview.
Social Media Brings People Together for a Cause: Dallas4Japan

The latest reports are saying the earthquake in Japan on March 11th, could become the most expensive earthquake in history. Join SMCDallas along with AAJA, AIGA, AAF Dallas, DFW AMA, DFW SEM, IABC Dallas, PRSA Dallas, Texas Young Professionals this Thursday for a special Dallas4Japan fundraiser.
The Dallas Institute Festival of Ideas

On March 26, 2011, local audiences are invited to the Dallas Museum of Art for a day of original listening, thinking, and speaking – all aimed toward an intelligent, thoughtful exploration of four subjects of vital importance to the future of the city and the nation. The Festival of Ideas, presented by The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, will run from 10AM to 4PM.
Eventbrite DFW and La Mode Dallas Present: Art Party- Life as Canvas

There’s an Art Party in Deep Ellum this Thursday night where art meets fashion. See some of the best fashion designers, makeup & hair artists, and visual artists in the Metroplex. It’s been said this is going to be one of the biggest and most creative parties of the year…. I guess we’ll have to show up to find out!
Best Week in Dallas

The week of October 11th is Idea Week and it’s chock full of events to get you thinking and collaborating with others about great ideas!
Idea Week’s mission is to showcase the interesting and innovative conversations happening throughout Dallas. This grassroots movement is centered around the community and our ideas. Every day for 7 days there are at least 3 events scheduled. There’s really something for everybody – kids, students, professionals, artists, entrepreneurs and thinkers. Thirty events are scheduled all over the city and over 22 of them are free to attend.
SparkClub + PechaKucha Night at Sons of Hermann Hall

You’re destined to be inspired by attending this month’s Spark Club event at the Sons of Hermann Hall. The group of social entrepreneurs will collaborate with PechaKucha Night. PechaKucha (pronounced pe-chak-cha, meaning “chit chat” in Japenese) is an international event “for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.”
See What’s Happening at the GuerillaArts House

GuerillaArts, the nonprofit space committed to increasing art awareness and support in Dallas, will be giving tours of their 5,000 sqft building this Sunday – even the upstairs artist studio space, which has been closed off at past events.
Stop by between 2 and 4pm – meet and mingle with the people behind GuerillaArts and your local artist community. They will be talking about the great things GuerillaArts will be launching this spring, including the artist in residency program, spring classes and their summer institute for high school aged artists.
Concerts @ Quadrangle Features Local Artists and Benefits Haitian Relief Efforts

Tonight kicks off the 2010 Young & Cultured Concerts @ series at AMLI Quadrangle. Come in, grab a drink and take in the creative works of 2 local artists – musician Eric Tipton and artist SAMO4PREZ.
This is a free event (sweet!) but don’t come empty handed (oh?). Concerts @ has partnered with two local nonprofit organizations, See the Need, Meet the Need and Hope for Haiti, and will be collecting supplies to airlift next week to Haitian relief efforts. YOU can help by bringing in supplies or a donation to the Concerts @ event tonight. There will be boxes and donation jars around the gallery and concert space.