Can North Texas be a “Maker” hub for the Next Wave of Tech?

Last week, the former CEO of Foxconn (manufacturer of the iPad, iPhone, Playstation, Xbox, etc.) spoke about how corporations can work with hackers and makers. What’s at stake? Connecting things, devices, and people.

He presented his ideas at the DFW Excellerator in Richardson, TX where he serves as investor and vice chairman. The location, opened in April, promotes startups and joint ventures for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) market.

Concepts discussed: dfw-excellerator-logo

· Products in the “next industrial revolution” may not originate inside corporations

· The individual inventor can design, create, and launch a product on their own

· The Excellerator is promoting a “Maker” community especially for kids, minorities, and with international reach

Here is a link to DFW Excellerator’s news release about Terry Cheng’s talk.