Bike Friendly Oak Cliff

Lee Harvey Bike Ride

Bike Friendly Oak Cliff is a group of bicycle advocates promoting the creation of better cycling facilities in Oak Cliff. They are gaining quite a large following in a short period of time. The group has successfully raised money to install bike racks at popular hang outs in the Bishop Arts District. February 1st they held their first group bike ride. The ride followed the footsteps of Lee Harvey Oswald after he assassinated J.F.K. The weather was perfect and the ride was a huge success! An estimated 125 people participated.

I was lucky enough to participate in that ride. I was surprised at how many people showed up. Everyone was in good spirits and very respectful. The group moved at a pace that wasn’t overwhelming to inexperienced riders. Bike riding creates such a sense of community. It was reassuring to look around and see people from all walks of life enjoying good weather, Dallas history, physical activity, and social bonding with other like-minded, laid-back Dallasites.

I think B.F.O.C. has a good thing started and is rightly trying to keep the momentum going. Their next ride is planned for March 29th. They will be traveling to locations made historically significant by the infamous couple Bonnie and Clyde. I recommend coming out and enjoying a lovely spring day supporting this influential group.

Their blog is fairly active. Check it out for future rides, inspiration taken from more progressive bike-friendly cities, and progress in improving conditions for cyclists in Dallas.