Jessica Moore, Author at I Live In Dallas

Jessica “Love” Moore is a creative-at-heart who aspires to inspire, create and share the beauty of our everyday world as well as bring people together to become a force of good in the world. You may connect with her via her website, Circle of Love Artography and check out her evolving artistic ventures on Facebook. She is currently transferring over from her old page. She asks you kindly to pardon her dust…and reminds you to wear a hard-hat and enjoy the journey!

‘FLOOD OF EMOTION’/Artists Healing JAPAN Fundraiser

'FLOOD OF EMOTION'/Artists Healing JAPAN Fundraiser

The events of March 11th were and continue to be heartbreaking, but through this we have been reminded that we are all connected on this planet and we have been given a gift…the opportunity to reach out to the beautiful people (our brothers and sisters) of Japan and help them heal. This Saturday, April 9th, 2011 from 7pm-12am YOU have a wonderful opportunity to get involved and join in the beautiful patchwork of humanity event called “Flood of Emotion-Artists Healing JAPAN Fundraiser.”