Electronics Recycling Drive Saturday
Old monitors and VHS tapes collecting dust in your garage? Do yourself (and the environment) a favor and drop them off for recycling at the Lakewood Green Living store this Saturday, November 7th, 2009 between 12 and 5pm.
CANCELLED – TOMS Founder Speaking at DCYD “Living Our Values” Series

If any of you know me, you know I’m always wearing TOMS shoes. My first pair has the famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi written all over it, “Be the change you wish to see in this world.” TOMS is inspiring and it’s the kind of change I wish to be a part of – even if I am just wearing the shoes for now.
The founder of TOMS shoes, Blake Mycoskie, is coming back to his home roots and speaking at the Dallas County Young Democrats for the “Living Our Values” Speaker Series and Reception.
Endowed Lecture Series in Women’s Studies

This is a bit of a late notice but had heard about the lecture only this morning via KERA’s Think program. I caught just the last part of the interview with Dr. Elders and had one of those driveway moments when I reached my destination but stayed in the car to hear the rest of the interview. She is informative and frank on controversial issues like thelegalization of marijuana and condom distribution in schools. Tonight she will speak at SMU for the 2009 Raggio Lecture series and she will address the present and future state of women’s healthcare in America.
Dallas Institute of Humanities & Culture: The Ethics of Food – A Symposium

Nationally known environmental historian Dr. James McWilliams, winner of the 2009 Hiett Prize in the Humanities, will lead the Fall Symposium of the Institute’s Environmental Forum. Appearing with Dr. McWilliams will be spokespersons from a variety of environmental fields.
McWilliams will explore questions on eating responsibly, ethical implications and the consequences that affect our environment and more specifically the lives of other people.
Special Screening of the Documentary “Playground”

Every individual, every group, has an issue they stand and fight for. For filmmaker Libby Spears, she has devoted almost 10 years uncovering the sex traffic industry.
Laughing Squid Dallas Drinkup at CoHabitat and The Ginger Man

Scott Beale, publisher and editor of Laughing Squid, is coming to town and hosting a two-part Drinkup for his fans in Dallas. Drop by CoHabitat on Friday, October 23rd from 5-7pm and say hello to your favorite tentacle. Drink sangria from a 5-gallon margarita pitcher and have a St. Arnold beer from the kegerator. Meet interesting people.
Following the drinkup will be more drinks (well, pints) at The Ginger Man.
Artist Talk With Winspear Stage Curtain Designer Guillermo Kuitca

Artist Guillermo Kuitca will join Noah Simblist, Associate Professor of Art at SMU, and Charles Wylie, the Lupe Murchison Curator of Contemporary Art, for a discussion of his work.
Mr. Kuitca is the designer of the Winspear Opera House permanent stage curtain that was done in collaboration with the center’s architects, Foster & Partners.
Local-Global: The French Experience Presented by Au Courant

About a year ago, the Dallas Institute started a new group, Au Courant. The group, originally inspired by The Institute’s vision, brings together Dallas’ young creative up-and-coming leaders with Dallas’ prominent and established leaders. This semester begins a series called “Local/Global.”
Don’t miss their first event highlighting the global bounty of our local scene. It starts with the French
Spotlight Sunday In the Dallas Arts District – Free All Day

The AT&T Performing Arts Center’s week long grand opening is coming to a close Sunday with an all day/all free festival.
The complete calendar schedule is below and it is chock full of entertainment for those who have been looking forward to seeing the Performing Arts Center in full swing.
Events begin at 11AM and museums in the Dallas Arts District will be free of charge!
Blog Action Day: Climate Change – 11 Ways Dallas Gets Involved

Last weekend over 500 people in Dallas sat in a room together for TEDxSMU and listened to some bright minds. Speaking on behalf of the entire room: It was inspiring.
Throughout the day people we would break for lunch and coffee and you would find yourself in conversations with like-minded individuals who know there is something we can do to change the world if we would just get off our ass and do it. That was my takeaway from last Saturday. It was actually a quote from Jody Williams referenced by speaker Turk Pipton of The Nobelity Project. She said:
“There’s nothing magical about change. If someone wants to change the world, it takes getting up off your ass and caring enough to take the first step to contribute to change on an issue you care about.”