Cards Against Humanity Game Night @ Alamo Drafthouse
![Cards Against Humanity Game Night @ Alamo Drafthouse](
I walked into Alamo Drafthouse for the very first time. “Not bad,” I said to myself. Though this movie theater has been around for two years, its draw isn’t the movies, and it’s not the Glass Half Full Bar that serves draft beer or even the food made in a kitchen. It’s the atmosphere; and […]
Spring Time In Dallas: The 9th Annual Dallas International Film Festival
![Spring Time In Dallas: The 9th Annual Dallas International Film Festival](
Did you miss me? It is soooo great to be back writing for for 2015. It has been a long and dreadful winter. If you’ve taken a look outside lately, the wacko Texas weather is behind us and spring has come at last. So… what do you want to do? Go out for a […]
Ain’t No Party Like A Walking Dead Watch Party
![Ain't No Party Like A Walking Dead Watch Party](
Sunday night is the best night to watch TV for a damn good reason. The weekend is nearly over and everybody is gearing up to start the week all over again, but first things first, a topic of conversation has to be what happened on Sunday night. We’re not just watching football anymore. Sunday night […]
REVIEW: Last Weekend’s Fiesta Latinamericana that Happened in Klyde Warren Park
![REVIEW: Last Weekend's Fiesta Latinamericana that Happened in Klyde Warren Park](
It was a warm Sunday afternoon at Uptown Dallas. Fiesta Latinoamericana kicked off the festivities for its eighth year and they’ve couldn’t have picked a better locale than Klyde Warren Park. DFW International Community Alliance who hosted this event went above and beyond to make this event happen without a hitch, and picking this popular […]
Fiesta Latinamericana!
![Fiesta Latinamericana!](
Allow me to let you in on why going to a cultural festival is worth the trip. For starters its a festival about a nationality that you think you know something about, but don’t. The best education you’ll ever have is seeing the world from a different perspective. But talking to people with roots from […]
Steampunk Invasion Review: The Unofficial Rules of Steampunk
![Steampunk Invasion Review: The Unofficial Rules of Steampunk](
It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon in Dallas. There was no winds but the temperature was oddly cool for the start of the fall season. Everyone who arrived came in their most comfortable attire, goggles and all, to watch several other people shoot each down on Main Street… I know what you’re thinking: Who was […]
Steampunk Invasion Is Coming to Dallas
![Steampunk Invasion Is Coming to Dallas](
For one weekend, why not leave your skepticism at the door and put on a pair of leather goggles at Dallas Heritage Village. There is too much fun to be had and plenty of opportunities to brush up on your alternate history.
AnimeFest 2014: The Fun Never Stopped
![AnimeFest 2014: The Fun Never Stopped](
I haven’t even steeped foot onto the premises, and already the mania and excitement of Anime was bursting at the seams. With everything going on with the news lately, a little escapism can do the psyche some good. Plenty of North Texas Anime fans came to the Sheraton Hotel on Saturday, costumed and all, to celebrate the nirvana that is AnimeFest. Short for “Anime Festival” it’s a once a year celebration of all things Japanese animation thrown right here in Downtown Dallas.
AnimeFest is Coming Back to Dallas – Bring on the Cosplay
![AnimeFest is Coming Back to Dallas - Bring on the Cosplay](
So the summer season is a total wash. Our favorite TV shows won’t return from hiatus until fall. Things are getting pretty crazy in politics and in world news. Weather is out of control. Concert tickets are getting pricier and summer movies are becoming more lame. August isn’t exactly what I would call a slam dunk month for events that happen in DFW. But when events do happen, why not take advantage when the opportunity arrives?
So Far, So Good At Asian Film Festival of Dallas (Part 2)
![So Far, So Good At Asian Film Festival of Dallas (Part 2)](
What is the deal with me and rainstorms huh? First it was this year’s Oak Cliff Film Festival in which I spent the last day walking around in ruined Fila sneakers and now on the last day of AFFD, I spent the day watching films wearing… soaked sneakers. All in all, the last day was a […]