Elysa, Author at I Live In Dallas

Elysa Ellis is a Digital Strategist and Community Manager by day. In her off time she amuses herself with wide variety of interests ranging from wine to widgets, food, friends, apps, and artwork. In addition to her professional geek girl job, she's has two blogs GenPink and Dallas Food Nerd. Elysa is also the VP of Sponsorship for the Dallas Social Media Club Chapter.

Social Media Brings People Together for a Cause: Dallas4Japan

Social Media Brings People Together for a Cause: Dallas4Japan

The latest reports are saying the earthquake in Japan on March 11th, could become the most expensive earthquake in history. Join SMCDallas along with AAJA, AIGA, AAF Dallas, DFW AMA, DFW SEM, IABC Dallas, PRSA Dallas, Texas Young Professionals this Thursday for a special Dallas4Japan fundraiser.