Art Garfunkel Scheduled for NasherSALON’s Lecture Series

art garfunkelArt Garfunkel is a singer- songwriter, poet, actor, long-distance walker and avid reader. If you had one question to ask this man, what would it be? And if you didn’t even have to think about that one, take your chance and ask him in person. Garfunkel is making an appearance for NasherSALON‘s Lecture series on March 26th, 2009. I almost didn’t believe when I came across their site and saw he was speaking here in Dallas. I also couldn’t believe the price – $60. Ouch. Will it be worth it? Pretty likely. Garfunkel will be talking about his life as a solo artist and about the early years growing up and working with Paul Simon. Take notes, if you go, and post a comment about what you got out of it – like insight, or maybe a signed Walkman.

Lectures are held in Nasher Hall (2001 Flora Street; across from the DMA.) Doors open at 7:00, Art begins at 8:00, followed with questions from the audience (here’s your chance) at 8:45pm.

Tickets are still available and can be purchased through the NasherSALON site. Members of Nasher can purchase tickets for $45; non-members for $60.

When the show sells out, NasherSALON will offer a limited number of tickets for a special 3:00pm talk with Art at Booker T. on March 26th. Tickets will go for $25/members and $30/non-members. Not sure when this will happen, but check back often.

Did you know Art Garfunkel walked across America from 1983 to 1997? “…Most of the time I was alone with my Sony Walkman and my notebook in my pocket. …. Over forty more excursions, about three a year, taking about twelve years, I crossed the entire United States.” From Walk Across America

For more recent news, the latest Press Release on Garfunkel’s site announces: ART WILL APPEAR ON HBO‘s “FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS.” Awesome.

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