Annual Women’s Equality Day Lunch and Lecture at The Women’s Museum

Join The Women’s Museum for the annual Women’s Equality Day lunch on August 26th, 2009 at 12:30pm. Celebrate American women’s suffrage and discuss the fight for suffrage past, present and future. The exhibit during Equality Month, Jailed for Freedom, explores the experiences of members of the National Woman’s Party in 1917.

woman suffrage posterLunch can be purchased for $10 or feel free to brown bag it if you prefer. Make sure you RSVP to [email protected] or buy your ticket online.

Parking at The Women’s Museum is free and admission is free for those who attend the lunch.

Wednesday, August 26th at 12:30pm
Purchase Tickets

About Women’s Equality Day
On August 26th, 1920, forty-two years after it was introduced, the 19th Amendment was signed and women in the United States were given the right to vote. To commemorate this day, Bella Abzug established a Joint Resolution and Congress designated August 26th as Women’s Equality Day.

The Women’s Museum: An Institute for the Future

3800 Parry Avenue
Dallas, TX 75226
(214) 915-0860
Open Tue-Sun 12pm-5pm
Get directions

The image above sourced from Flickr: A woman living here has registered to vote thereby assuming responsibility of citizenship by webchicken.

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