An Invasion Is Coming! ALIENCON Makes First Contact With Dallas This October

Something is out there. Fortunately, DFW won’t have to wait long to find out what (or who) is.
This year the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center will play host to ALIENCON this October 4-6. This occasion marks the first time ALIENCON will be in Dallas after nearly & sold out cons in Santa Clara, Pasadena, Baltimore & Los Angeles!Â
Longtime fans of HISTORY®’s Ancient Aliens (now in their 14th season), as well as curious newcomers, sci-fi buffs, truth seekers and pop culture enthusiasts will be able to visit AlienCon to meet/get autographs & photographs with some of their favorite sci-fi celebrities, authors, scientists, filmmakers, engineers, archaeologists and other experts.   Lead Contributor Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and the other Ancient Aliens folks (with the addition of contributors such as Nick Pope, Travis Taylor, Jason Martell & David Childress) will be on-hand to discuss the sometimes controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.Â
There will also be several Ancient Aliens events, more than 150 interactive panel discussions, cool artifacts/merchandise, interesting exhibits, and even a Saturday night costume contest! Past celebrity attendees include William Shatner, David Duchovny, Mary McDonnell, Sean Astin, Jenna Coleman, Michael Dorn, Mitch Pileggi, and Bill Mumy. Check out some of the fun from last year’s west coast AlienCon: