Pecha Kucha Night Dallas, Vol.9! -Urban Renewal, Dallas 2.0
Pecha Kucha Nights, an international phenomenon brought to Dallas for the ninth time on May 10th, 2012 at 7pm in the registered historic landmark David Crockett School in East Dallas. The event is $5 and tickets can be bought online in advance at Tickets will be $10 at the door.
Discussion around some of makes our city great is important & timely. It’s been a sobering week in the Dallas civic & cultural news. Time for some clarity …& a Beer Break.
Confirmed presenters:
- Ken Good (Good Signature Properties), Owns & currently renovating the David Crockett School
- Jason Roberts (Congressional candidate, Better Block Originator, Bike Friendly Oak Cliff & Art Conspiracy Co.founder, Oak Cliff Transit Authority Founder & President…)
- Noah Jeppson (Dallas Parking Day)
- Wanda Dye (University of Texas at Arlington), Professor of Architecture
- Diane Collier (West Henderson Neighborhood Association), Designer & Community Organizer
- Patrick Kennedy (Carfree Dallas), Urban Planner & writer
- Shannon Driscoll & Kayli House Cusick (Oil & Cotton), Small Business Owners & Artists
- Samuel Stiles (Dallas Parks Foundation), Director of Development
- Jim Anderson, Historic Preservation Consultant
What: Pecha Kucha Night Dallas, Vol.9! -Urban Renewal, Dallas 2.0
When: David Crockett School, 401 N. Carroll Street, Dallas, TX
Where: Thursday, May 10, 2012 from 7:00 PM to 9:20 PM
How Much: $5 online/$10 door
Purchase Tickets:
About PechaKucha: PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It’s a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace. For more information, please visit
Photo above by Dave Wilson via Pecha Kucha Dallas