DFW Rocks Social Media Day Expert-Packed Marketing Conference Coming this June
Dallas’ first annual celebration of Social Media Day and conference featuring ten social media and marketing professionals, speakers, authors, and coaches teaching business owners the latest strategies in social media and online marketing, will take place Saturday, June 30, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at The Social House in Addison.
This event is for everyone, no matter what your skill level or technical ability. You will walk away with pockets full of new skills, tips and ideas. All small business owners, consultants, and individuals are invited to attend.
In short, this conference will provide you with ROCK solid information and tips how to be a Social Media POWERHOUSE.
Presentation Topics:
- Facebook Marketing for PAGES, Andrea Vahl
- ROCK Your Twitter: Tweet Like a Pro, Lissa Duty
- YouTube Video for the DIY, Robin Moss
- Six Figure FOLLOW UP: Connections to Clients, Patty Farmer
- The POWER of Being LinkedIn, J.R. Atkins
- YOUR Business Interest in Pinterest, Fred Campos
- What is RIGHT for Your Business? Social Media Sites & Tools, Lissa Duty
- Social Media PROS Question & Answer Panel, Giovanni Gallucci, Neil Lemons, Mike D. Merrill
- Presentation Details
Andrea Vahl | Lissa Duty | Robin Moss | Patty Farmer | J.R. Atkins | Fred Campos | Giovanni Gallucci | Neil Lemons | Mike D. Merrill
What: The first celebration of Social Media Day in Dallas & Marketing Conference
When: Saturday, June 30, 2012
Social Media Day Conference – 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
After-Hours Networking – 4:00-9:00 p.m. (Cash Bar)
Where: The Social House (Map)
How Much: Early Registration $30
Registration after May 31 $50
How to Purchase:
This conference will give Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Professionals the information, education and resources they need to effectively manage their Social Media Accounts and Social Media Campaigns. Or, if they hire someone to do it for them, they’ll know what they want and if they are getting the results they are paying for.
Coffee, tea, water, continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon sweets will be provided! You will also be able to purchase soft drinks or alcoholic beverages as well.
More Conference Info:
Check out the registration & schedule, presentations, meet the speakers, meet the sponsors and the venue for detailed descriptions, speakers bios and sponsor information.
About Social Media Day:
June 30 was declared Social Media Day in 2010 by Mashable. Shortly thereafter, the city of Victoria, Canada officially also declared their Social Media Day as June 30. Cities and even countries across the globe have joined in the celebration by having educational events, meetups and tweetups.