Dallas International Film Festival 2012 #DIFF

The Sixth Annual Dallas International Film Festival comes to Dallas, April 12 – 22, 2012.

Approximately 180 films from all over the world will be screened over 11 days. This year, the festival will spotlight work from Korean filmmakers and April 15 will be a day dedicated to Latino films in the West Village. The following will highlight the festival’s attraction to over 2,000 children:

  • High School Day, April 13, Dallas Arts District
  • Family Day, April 14, NorthPark Center
  • YMCA After School Program, April 18

Baylor Heart & Vascular Hospital will once again offer a “screening for a screening” as they promote the importance of heart awareness to all film-goers at Heart, Hope, Healing Celebration Day on April 14 at NorthPark Center.

There will be daily red carpet appearances and star-studded galas taking place at some of the finest venues Dallas has to offer.

For the first year since the festival’s inception, there will be a Festival Village at the fashionable Mockingbird Station. The Festival Village will serve as the hub of the festival where filmmakers and film fans will have the chance to mingle and network at the Festival Lounge and CBS Radio will present its first ever Music Lounge – showcasing local music to the public throughout the day for the festival’s eleven-day duration. A hop, skip and a jump away the festival’s host hotel, The Palomar will offer a place for out-of-town celebrities and filmmakers to rest between screenings.

Compare this year’s films and festivities with last year’s offerings.

What: Sixth Annual Dallas International Film Festival
When: April 12-22, 2012
Where: Festival Village at Mockingbird Station and West Village (Map)
How Much: $10 per ticket to view films; $100-$750 for festival passes
Where to Buy Tickets:

The festival will culminate with the DALLAS Film Society Honors on April 20, which will feature an evening of tributes with Dallas Star Award honorees and filmmaker award winners at the Hotel Palomar. Cash prizes from Whole Foods, The Embrey Family Foundation and TXU Energy will be awarded to the Grand Jury Prize winner for Environmental Visions, the Silver Heart Award and the Student Light Up the Red Carpet Film Contest respectively. Other Grand Jury Prize awards will be presented to the best narrative feature, documentary feature, Texas Competition, Short Film, Student Short Film and Animated Short Film presented by REEL FX Entertainment.

Passes are currently for sale and range from $100 for a Festival Lounge Pass to $750 for an all-access Star Pass. Tickets are on sale at the Prekindle Box Office and online to the public. The Prekindle Box Office will be featured as part of the Festival Village at Mockingbird Station. For further information on pass levels and how to purchase passes visit: www.dallasfilm.org or telephone 214.720.0555.