2nd Annual Blues, Bandits & BBQ Festival this Saturday in Oak Cliff

Non-profit neighborhood organization Go Oak Cliff , will be hosting the 2nd annual Blues, Bandits & BBQ Festival this Saturday, October 22nd, with over 15 BBQ teams smoking over 750 pounds of meat, fun and games for the entire family, a bicycle festival, a neighborhood kickball tournament, and lots of tasty treats to eat.

If you and your party travel to the event via bicycle, you can get a two for one entrance ($5 a piece), otherwise the cost for admittance is $10 a person (kids under 12 are free) when bought previous to the event here. It’s $15 at the door.

The live music starts at 12pm on Saturday and will continue until 6pm or so.

According to the Go Oak Cliff website, “The BBQ teams will actually start cooking Friday evening and will be in the park all night long. Feel free to stop down Friday evening or Saturday morning.”

What: 2nd Annual Blues, Bandits & BBQ Festival
When: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011
The live music starts at 12:00 pm and lasts till 6:00pm.
Where: Lake Cliff Park in Oak Cliff

For more information on the event, check out Rob Shearer’s article on Go Oak Cliff.

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