Early Voting for the 2008 Presidential Election Ends Friday, October 31st

Early voting for the 2008 Presidential Race ends Friday, October 31st. Voters should bring with them their voter registration cards, OR another form of ID (i.e. drivers license issued in the state of Texas, birth certificate, US Passport.)

SOS makes it really easy for voters to find polling places in every (and I mean every) county – https://team1.sos.state.tx.us/voterws/viw/faces/SearchSelectionPolling.jsp.

This will be my first year to vote for a presidential election, however, it will not be my first time to vote. The first time was in 2003 during Governor Gray Davisrecall election. The controversial laws he passed at the end of his tenure was enough for me to register with the state of California and vote him out of office. It was the first time I saw the power of politicians and what they can do at the interest of themselves and not the people. Ultimately it was the power of people working together to take back their state and put it in the hands of someone who actually gives a damn about them.

I know that this election is significant – not just because of the candidates on the ballots – but because people are going to come out in record numbers to vote. And that to me is significant.