Smart Women In Business Forum at The Women’s Museum

The Smart Women in Business Forum is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners learn the skills and identify the resources needed to become successful. The Forum will include a panel discussion, networking lunch and an opportunity for women to become empowered.

The Women’s Museum will be hosting The Smart Women in Business Forum on November 11th, 2008 from 10:00am-2:30pm. Tickets are $10 (tax-deductible) and lunch is provided. Sign up online and your receipt will serve as your ticket in … although I assume they will have your name somewhere should you forget. I’ve already reserved my ticket, and I hope to see you there!

The Women’s Museum
3800 Parry Avenue (park on Washington St …or at least that’s where I parked the last event. Don’t let the guards direct you through the fairgrounds or to Gate A, 3 or 6B.)
Dallas, TX 75226
ph: 214.915.0860