Oct. 18th Opening Reception at William Campbell Contemporary Art

Saturday, October 18th, William Campbell Contemporary Art will be having an opening reception for artist/sculpture Stephen Daly. The reception is from 6pm-8pm, free and open to the public. The Sculptures and Drawings exhibit will be at William Campbell from October 18th – November 29, 2008.


I am interested in making art that has a strong visual presence and communicates ideas that may be interpretated in multiple ways. Formal development is usually complimented by context, use of materials, and scale. A successful piece is remembered by the viewer.

Stephen Daly, Artist Statement

About the Artist:

Stephen Daly taught art at the University of Texas in Austin for more than 25 years, and in 2007 became professor emeritus there. He has been exhibiting at William Campbell Contemporary Art since 1985. Nationally, Daly has shown at galleries in New York, Chicago, Denver, and California, and internationally in Budapest, Havana, and Florence (Italy).

William Campbell Contemporary Art
4935 Byers Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Ph: (817) 737-9566
F: (817) 737-5466
E-Mail: [email protected]

Gallery Hours
Tuesday – Friday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
and by appointment
Closed Sunday

Please contact Pam or Bill Campbell at [email protected] or at 817-737-9566 for more information.

Art & Seek, KERA