LeakyCon 2018 Needs You!

Still trying to find a way to attend LeakyCon? This international Harry Potter event will be coming to Dallas next month. Unfortunately tickets have been sold out for almost a year, but there is hope yet! LeakyCon is currently taking applications for volunteer workers.

LeakyCon will take place August 10-12 at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in downtown Dallas. Volunteers are needed for jobs such as helping with registration, coordinating with vendors, overseeing panels, assisting with autograph sessions, and much more. These volunteers play a pivotal role in conventions and make them possible. It is also a way to get admission to this sold out event!

Potential volunteers will need to fill out the application here. LeakyCon will then go through the numerous applications and select people to fill the positions. Selected members will be notified in the upcoming weeks.

The volunteer FAQ and information about the jobs are listed on LeakyCon’s website. If you have any further needs or questions you can email them to [email protected]