How to Get the Best Deal on an Engagement Ring

engagement rings dallas
Are you thinking of popping the question to your loved one? If so, you want to make sure that you get her a diamond engagement ring that she loves so she will have no problem saying “Yes” while you are down on one knee. This article will educate you on how to shop for engagement rings and get the best bang for your budget!

Avoid typical retail jewelry stores

When people think of shopping for an engagement ring you might think of going to your typical retail jewelry store to make your purchase. Those name brand stores that you hear on commercials have a very high markup on their inventory. There is a reason that they can afford to have a big nice store and are able to invest in a lot of TV advertising. The end customer is the one that ends up paying for it. Dallas has numerous jewelry stores that participate in this type of advertising. Your typical retailer will markup the jewelry typically double compared to a wholesale jewelry store. At a wholesale diamond dealer or jewelry store you will be able to get a lot bigger diamond and ring for your money. You may visit some online jewelry shops like if you are looking for great styles and designs.

Shop for engagement rings at wholesale diamond dealers

The expensive part of buying an engagement ring is the main diamond. To get an a great deal on the main diamond you should shop at a wholesale diamond dealer versus a normal retail jewelry store. A great place that we have found online that sells engagement rings in Dallas is Diamond Exchange Dallas. They are a wholesale diamond jewelry store that has great reviews online that specializes in wholesale diamonds and engagement rings. Diamond Exchange Dallas has hundreds of rings listed on their website that are great deals. They actually cut diamonds on-site and they sell directly to the public so they are a great way to eliminate the middleman.