Laughing Squid Dallas Drinkup at CoHabitat and The Ginger Man

laughing_squid_logoIt was around a year ago I started subscribing Laughing Squid, the San Francisco based website that talks about arts, tech, and culture.

Since then I’ve become a pretty big fan of Laughing Squid.

I dug up some of posts I had once favorited in Google Reader to share with you. They are on top of what’s new and cover a wide range of interests – from art to technology/from funny to serious. It’s everything an art geek could want. Which I guess is why I love it so.

Scott Beale, publisher and editor of Laughing Squid, is coming to town and hosting a two-part Drinkup for his fans in Dallas. Drop by CoHabitat on Friday, October 23rd from 5-7pm and say hello to your favorite tentacle. Drink sangria from a 5-gallon margarita pitcher and have a St. Arnold beer from the kegerator. Meet interesting people.

Following the drinkup will be more drinks (well, pints) at The Ginger Man.


2517 Thomas St
Dallas, TX 75201
(415) 874-5504
Get directions

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