BRIDES Magazine brings “Dancing with Brides” to Dallas

brideFor all the brides worried about their husband breakin’ it down on the dance floor, or those just worried about breaking their bank – clear your calendar this Sunday. (And your fiance’s calendar too.)

BRIDES magazine invites bride and grooms-to-be this Sunday (May 3rd) to an all-day instructional dance event, designed to help couples master the first dance. Learn from the pros of Arthur Murray, win great prices throughout the day, talk to other couples, partners/sponsors, and receive a swag bag. Oh, and here’s the fun part. There’s a dance off.  Don’t be shy, because you’ll be on camera with the chance to win $10,000 for your wedding day at the grande finale.

Register online at or by just showing up Sunday morning. The event begins at 10am.

“Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.”

Location Details:
Rosewood Crescent Hotel, 400 Crescent Court, Dallas, Texas 75201

About Brides
BRIDES was launched in 1934 by Condé Nast Publications as the very first bridal magazine. In 75 years of publication, it has remained the most read wedding magazine in the World and the foremost authority on engagement, weddings, and marriage.

Image: a fresh look