Oak Cliff Film Festival 2014 Starts this Thursday
The excuses to stay indoors are officially over. The third annual Oak Cliff Film Festival is kicking off this Thursday night at Texas Theater. So, if you’re a film buff, or if you like hanging out with people who love to talk about movies, or you’ve finally reached the end of your queue on your Netflix account, then spend the evening, or better yet, the weekend at OCFF 2014.
I’ll let you in on a little secret; going to a film festival is the most fun that you’ll ever have. For starters, if it’s in your town, then you have an obligation to go. It’s not every day that you get to see famous people hob-knob with everyday people in your city. Also, all you’re doing is rating movies. The thing about a film festival is that many producers, directors, and indie film companies need positive feedback from people like us who’ll come to watch the film. The more praise a film gets, the better traction it can receive from the media sites and before you know it, a short movie you saw months ago becomes a feature-length film in theaters nationwide. And a film festival wouldn’t be a film festival if there wasn’t a party to attend when the sun goes down.
So you’ll have ample of opportunities to have selfies taken with some pretty famous people . You’ll watch movies that range from different genres all weekend long. You can pay (or crash) into the parties that are being held throughout the festival, and you can have a great time doing it and bragging about it the next day. All and all, it sounds like a good reason not to be in the house this weekend.
Oak Cliff Film Festival
June 19th-June 22
For tickets and more info go to: