Addison Oktoberfest Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Addison Oktoberfest
Did you know that there are only six breweries allowed for Märzen (known as Oktoberfest beer over here in the U.S.) for the official German Oktoberfest held in Munich every year?  (Hofbrau-Munchen, Lowenbrau, Hacker-Pschorr, Augustiner, Spaten, and Paulaner, for those that are wondering.

Well this past weekend, one of those six was official beer sponsor of this year’s Addison Oktoberfest.  Paulaner provided three beers for festival goers: Oktoberfest Märzen (the traditional Oktoberfest beer served in Munich), Hefe-Weizen (a lightly sweet wheat beer, literally translated to “Yeast-Wheat”), and Oktoberfest Bier (a Festbier, the lighter-colored cousin to the Märzen).

 Photo courtesy of the Town of Addison

All the usual sights and sounds were there to celebrate this traditional German festival, complete with Polka bands, German pastries (from authentic Kaffee & Kuchen Haus patisserie), German beer, and all the wienerschnitzel you care to stuff your face with.  But since this year was the 30th anniversary of the event, promoters added a few new things to the festival.  For the opening ceremonies on Thursday, there was a decked out parade complete with polka dancers, a horse-drawn beerwagon, and the UNT Drum Line, as it rounded through Addison Circle and into the park.  They also added a new lidded ceramic anniversary stein as well unique ticket packages, including a Paulaner Lovers package (with a 1-Liter stein and bottle opener) and the Chamberlain Brauhaus package (with a three course beer pairing menu and 1-Liter stein).

German Pastries

It was another great event this year and hope it continues for another 30 years and more!