2009 Winter Art Mart and Silent Auction
Art Mart and Auction Highlight Artists’ Works and Wares at Bath House Cultural Center
The Bath House Cultural Center presents
The 2009 Winter Art Mart and Silent Auction
November 20-22, 2009
The 2009 Winter Art Mart is free and open to the public.

The Friends’ Kick-Off Reception and Art Preview is Friday, November 20, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm, and will be open to the public. Art Mart visitors are invited to raise a glass of cheer to celebrate the new organization, maybe become a Friend, and take a first look at the artistic creations and auction items being showcased in the Art Mart.
In addition to the art sale, which continues during the weekend, Friends of the Bath House will host a silent auction. All participating artists have generously donated art for the auction. This year’s auctioneer will be Artistic Eye; proceeds will go to the Friends Advisory Board to support visual and performing arts at the Bath House.
Friday, November 20, 7:00 – 9:00 pm – Kick-Off Reception for Friends of the Bath House
Saturday, November 21, 12:00 noon – 7:00 pm – Art Mart and Silent Auction
Sunday, November 22, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm – Art Mart and Silent Auction
Bath House Cultural Center
521 E Lawther Dr
Dallas, TX 75218-3311
(214) 670-8749
Get directions
Please visit www.bathhousecultural.com for more information.
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